Greetings Lift!

Lift Church KC is taking the next step to gather in person together beginning at 10 am this Sunday, May 31, 2020!

As circumstances change, so do we. Our city mayor has changed guidelines from 10% occupancy to 50% beginning this Sunday meaning we can now meet in ONE service and still meet the guidelines. We have removed seats, created social distancing space, cleaned and sanitized the facility and we are ready to see your face in person! We have a plan for overflow as well.

If you are considered high risk, or are ill in any way please stay home. If you simply are not ready for public worship please stay home. You can participate in our online services found on YouTube ( and FaceBook. We anticipate continuing our live-streaming from now on so we would love to have you join us in person or online!

In person service…

This is a family worship setting, with no children’s ministry available until further notice. If you have young children with you, please bring what they need to stay occupied during service and ensure they have headphones if they are using an electronic device.

We are not requiring masks or gloves but will have masks available and you are welcome to bring your own mask/gloves if you so choose. Again we have cleaned our space in preparation of this day. 

Look for the flags! Someone will help direct you in and out of the building. We will enter at the south entrance directly into the Living Room (not the main entrance) and exit out the emergency exits in the auditorium.

We can’t wait to worship with you soon, face to face or online!Blessings!
P. Randy